Thursday, February 26, 2009

C.P (Part II)

After five days...
...and these were taken this morning

J.J was up early this morning so he continued his sleep on the couch. I know the C.P disease will be over when I saw the red spot on his foot.

I wonder if J.J is allowed to go to school next week?


Ratnariz said...

i think now musim nephew kena scared my doter kena..there are still little...but i know one day mesti kena gak tu..but i hope not now...anyhow..take care ya...hope his doing ok ..

HoneyBUZZin said...

Ooo....suruh JJ jangan garu...nanti ada kesan...takeC

Mouren said...

Doctor cakap skrg musim C.P, Red Eyes and Sore Throats! Nah! tinguk2 la tu anak-anak kita!

rahma said...

hi there! alalaa... cp ka... klu ok sdh, ko kasi dia pakai losyen nivea ya, cepat hilang tu kesan dia.. sa dulu pun kena jg, dua kalilagi tu.. sa pki tu losyen, skrg tia nmpk sdh kesannya... and jan makan yg ada kicap aaa... ^-^

Blossom said...

J.J is doing alright. Thanks for the your concerns. Now I only use calamine lotion to relief the itchiness, but he would still scratch.


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