Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Hi again, it's only 2 more days to go till Christmas and 8 days till New Year. Talking about New Year, have you achieved what you wish for in 2008? Some would probably just go with the flow and some would make it a habit to list down on what to achieve and be a better/successful person each year.

Some would even put an increment in salary in their list, expect to be promoted to a better post or even get another job (that is if they're working..if not...start searching for job).

Whatever it is........we all just pray and hope for a better world. PEACE


HoneyBUZZin said...

I got a bonus! and bought something nice for myself.

HoneyBUZZin said...

..and yes..I can't even remember what's my previous resolution..hahaha...
Ada juga yang tercapai...ada juga yang tidak tercapai...but I gonna live life to its fullest...doing something worthwhile..
I hope yours will be a blessed year and many happy memories in continuos years to come. GBU


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